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Leadership Mitchell

Leadership Mitchell

 The Mitchell Area Chamber of Commerce Leadership Mitchell program applications for the Class of 2025 are now available! Applications and tuition fees are due to the Chamber by Friday, August 30, 2024.

Leadership Mitchell was designed to help support the development of future leadership for individuals with particular emphasis on specific skills and collaborative leadership. Leadership Mitchell is targeted to individuals who are actively seeking positive changes in response to civic, government, business and industry changes in the Mitchell Area by providing training in areas strategic to the well-being of our community.

With the changing economic atmosphere of the Mitchell Area, the need for more and new leadership is ever with us. With the abundance of leadership opportunities within the Mitchell Area, Leadership Mitchell is a practical means of developing informed persons who can become involved in the various areas of community service offered throughout our community.

Leadership Mitchell is an annual program offered through the Mitchell Area Chamber of Commerce’s Government Affairs Committee.  The Government Affairs committee has taken steps to improve the Leadership Mitchell program; to make it a high quality program not only for participants but for sponsors alike. Participants, the community, and especially participating employers, all benefit when the program helps citizens improve their interpersonal and leadership skills, along with their understanding of local public matters and the community decision-making processes and structures.

The purpose of Leadership Mitchell is to identify and develop potential leaders, acquaint them with community matters and introduce them with resources, institutions, individuals, organizations and other entities available for addressing needs and solving problems. This format encourages participants to meet with community leaders and interact among them in an effort to guide emerging leaders to deepen their involvement in community problem solving. Leadership Mitchell strives to help participants develop and build personal leadership, to better equip them within their work environment.

Leadership Mitchell, to meet its goal of carrying the city forward without losing momentum, seeks to:

  • Identify, motivate and build community leaders
  • Acquaint such leadership with resources available to address community needs and matters
  • Offer alternate processes for dealing with those needs and matters
  • Challenge potential leaders to community involvement and decision-making
  • Develop individual interpersonal leadership to be utilized in a work environment as well as in community involvement

To develop community knowledge and leadership skills, participants will attend a series of eight (8) informative, all-day sessions beginning in September and running through May (with no session held in December), covering community needs and concerns.  These sessions provide information through lectures, dialogue between participants and community decision-makers, including tours of various community facilities and Mitchell Day at the Legislature.  Topics cover the full gamut of Mitchell Area matters:  city and county government, healthcare, safety and security, and education to name a few.

The topics covered during Leadership Mitchell are selected in an effort to not only help participants build, develop and enhance personal and intrapersonal leadership, but can in turn be integrated within the workplace. Topics covered will include qualities of a leader, importance of leadership, and community leadership skills.

Leadership Mitchell selects 15 area individuals who live or work in the Mitchell area and have a desire to learn more about what the area has to offer and have the potential for further advancement to leadership positions within their own organizations. Nominees and their employers must be able to commit the time required for the program.

Program tuition is $500 for Chamber members and $650 for Non-members for the eight (8) session course and related activities. This can be paid by the employer and/or participant. We encourage all employers to invest in their best employees and help cultivate great community leaders.

Graduates of Leadership Mitchell become a part of a new community resource, capable of joining responsibly in community leadership.  Graduates will have seen how the Mitchell Area works, know its areas of need, and feel challenged to work together for solutions to the challenges that face the Mitchell area in these times of change.

For more information and application, please contact the Mitchell Area Chamber of Commerce

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